For Developers

Adding a component

The WebODM Support pull request is an example of how to introduce a relatively-complicated component to POSM (it also includes some other, unrelated bug fixes).

However, at its root, adding a component consists of the following steps:

  • add relevant settings to kickstart/etc/settings (and expose them in kickstart/etc/posm.json)
  • add a systemd unit file as kickstart/etc/systemd/system/<component>.service.hbs
  • add HTTP proxy endpoints in kickstart/etc/nginx-posm.conf
  • create kickstart/scripts/<component> and ensure that it’s executable (chmod +x <file>)
  • add make targets to live/Makefile and reference them in posm-core (or another relevant target)
  • document the name of the component in the README and/or elsewhere


--- i/kickstart/etc/settings
+++ w/kickstart/etc/settings
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ omk_server_port=3210

 # web
 # auth=true # uncomment this to enable web authentication


--- i/kickstart/etc/posm.json
+++ w/kickstart/etc/posm.json
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
   "omk_server_port": "{{omk_server_port}}",
   "osm_web_port": "{{osm_web_port}}",
   "cgimap_port": "{{cgimap_port}}",
+  "thing_port": "{{thing_port}}",
   "osm_posm_user": "{{osm_posm_user}}",
   "osm_posm_description": "{{osm_posm_description}}",
   "osm_pg_owner": "{{osm_pg_owner}}",


Description=The Thing
# services to start after
# services that need to be running in order to start

ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker kill %n
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm %n
# start thing/thing, assuming it listens on :8000 within the container
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "docker run \
    --init \
    --rm \
    -p {{thing_port}}:8000 \
    --name %n \
    --tmpfs /tmp \



--- i/kickstart/etc/nginx-posm.conf
+++ w/kickstart/etc/nginx-posm.conf
@@ -53,6 +53,10 @@ server {

   # proxied locations

+  location /thing {
+    proxy_pass{{thing_port}};
+  }
   location /tiles {

kickstart/scripts<component> takes the following form where <component> is thing:


# Ubuntu-specific deployment
deploy_thing_ubuntu() {
  # pre-download the posm/thing image from Docker Hub
  docker pull posm/thing

  # copy systemd unit into place, replacing template variables in the process
  expand etc/systemd/system/thing.service.hbs /etc/systemd/system/thing.service

  # other files can be copied / expanded into place similarly

  # enable the service so that it will run on subsequent restarts
  systemctl enable thing

  # start the service
  systemctl start thing

  ## add thing to the list of services listed on

  # load the existing list of apps
  apps=$(jq .apps /opt/posm-www/config.json)

  # append Thing to the list of apps using an icon from
  new_apps=$(cat << EOF | jq -s '.[0] + .[1] | unique'
    "name":  "Thing",
    "icon": "hand",
    "url": "//${posm_fqdn}/thing/"

  # load the existing config
  config=$(jq . /opt/posm-www/config.json)

  # write out a new config with the updated list of apps
  cat << EOF | jq -s '.[0] * .[1]' > /opt/posm-www/config.json
  "apps": $new_apps

deploy thing


--- i/live/Makefile
+++ w/live/Makefile
@@ -155,7 +155,12 @@ telegraf: influxdb
    lxc snapshot $$(cat container) $@
    touch $@

-posm: base nodejs ruby gis mysql postgis nginx osm fieldpapers omk tl carto tessera admin samba blink1 docker redis opendronemap imagery wifi influxdb telegraf
+thing: base
+   lxc exec $$(cat container) -- /root/posm-build/kickstart/scripts/ $@
+   lxc snapshot $$(cat container) $@
+   touch $@
+posm: base nodejs ruby gis mysql postgis nginx osm fieldpapers omk tl carto tessera admin samba blink1 docker redis opendronemap imagery wifi influxdb telegraf thing
    lxc exec $$(cat container) -- apt upgrade -y
    lxc exec $$(cat container) -- apt-get autoremove -y
    lxc snapshot $$(cat container) $@

With these (or similar) patches applied, the component can be included in a POSM install by running kickstart/scripts/ -x thing (the -x helps debug potential problems).

To confirm that settings were set properly, run jq .thing_port /etc/posm.json.

To stream systemd logs for the thing service, run journalctl -fu thing.

To ensure that it’s running within Docker, run docker ps | grep thing.service.

To see potential nginx syntax errors, run journalctl -fu nginx.