

Need to revise and add more details to this section.


You’ll need the latest version of both ODK Collect and OpenMapKit on your Android device. OpenMapKit currently supports Android version 4.2 and higher. You will also need install OpenMapKit Server in order manage surveys and OSM data, deploy them to your Android devices and submit surveys back to OSM.

ODK Collect

You can either download ODK Collect on the Google Play Store or directly download the APK.


Once ODK Collect is installed download OpenMapKit from the Google Play Store or get the APK.

OpenMapKit Server

Once ODK Collect and OpenMapKit are on your Android device, install OpenMapKit Server on an environment of your choosing.

For an actual deployment of OpenMapKit Server, it is recommended to use posm-build to install your instance. posm-build is a lightweight shell build system used for POSM servers. OpenMapKit Server is designed to be a part of a POSM server, however, the posm-build allows you to be modular regarding what gets installed, so you can and should use it if you want to install a standalone OpenMapKit Server.

The advantage is that in a few lines, you can have OpenMapKit Server installed and integrated as an Upstart service in Ubuntu Linux. This means that if OpenMapKit Server crashes or is restarted, the API will restart automatically. Also, posm-build only gets the dependencies you need and downloads only the files you need, so the entire repo does not need to be cloned with git.


All of these install instructions need to be updated.

Instructions for installing OpenMapKit Server on your development environment.

Tested On

  • Amazon EC2 Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS
    • Instance Type: t2.nano
    • vCPUs: 1
    • Memory: 500 MB
    • Storage: 8 GB
    • Open Ports: 22, 80, 3210

OpenMapKit Server is intended to be as light-weight as possible, so you don’t have to throw much hardware at it.


  1. Download and extract posm-build.
sudo -s
wget -q -O - | tar -zxf - -C /root --strip=2
  1. Create a settings.local file in /root/etc with the following content:

Replace the IP address for `posm_ip` with the actual public IP or your server. If you are on Amazon, this should be your Elastic IP.
  1. Execute and tell it to only install NGINX and OpenMapKit Server.
/root/scripts/ base virt nodejs nginx omk

Let the installation churn. That’s it!


You can start / stop / restart the omk-service like any Ubuntu Upstart service.

sudo service omk-server stop
sudo service omk-server start
sudo service omk-server restart

Your Data

All of your data are stored in /opt/omk/OpenMapKitServer/public.

You can scp / sftp the

forms /opt/omk/OpenMapKitServer/public/forms

deployments /opt/omk/OpenMapKitServer/public/deployments

submissions /opt/omk/OpenMapKitServer/public/submissions

from the server to backup and access your data. There is no database, so all of your data are in these files.