ODK in the RCRC network¶
Open Data Kit is used throughout the humanitarian sector, and there are many examples from within the Red Cross Red Crescent network.
Today, Pakistan Red Crescent Society Sindh Provincial Branch conducted beneficiaries registeration process for food parcel distribution on Open Data Kit (ODK) app by Muhafiz Force Karachi#COVID19 #coronaviruspakistan #EhtiatKarona #احتیاط_کرونا#YouthOnTheMove@AbrarUlHaqPK pic.twitter.com/82g7jAKZI6
— Pakistan Red Crescent (@PRC_official) May 15, 2020
Mencari data di Lapangan dan Koordinat titik Batas Desa Wai Muli Timur menggunakan Aplikasi Open Data Kits dalam rangka Pemetaan Wilayah terdampak Tsunami Selat Sunda #PMISiapBantu #pmimapper @palangmerah @IFRCAsiaPacific @Divisi_PB_PMI @benjidad pic.twitter.com/iBAk6O90tl
— PMI Provinsi Lampung (@pmi_lampung) March 9, 2020
#Bangladesh #RedCrescent is conducting rapid household assessments of the #flood affected communities using mobike technology through Open Data Kit (ODK). This will allow @BDRCS1 to select most vulnerable ones for the next phase of humanitarian assistance. pic.twitter.com/W9j2hHAneQ
— Raquib Rony (@raquibrony) August 3, 2019
@NamibiaRedCross in collaboration with Namibia University of Science and Technology conducted another impact assessment today to the community of Havana and Goreangab, Khomas region. The method being used is the Open Data Kit (ODK) a Red Cross tool for mobile data collection. pic.twitter.com/0T0QwqdemP
— Namibia Red Cross (@NamibiaRedCross) July 16, 2019
Last day of the @ifrc training on ‘Mobile Data Collection and Survey Design’ is a needs assessments simulation exercise. Here staff and volunteers of @GeorgiaRedCross testing their ODK and KoBo forms with interviews in their communities! Great and fun day! We even flew a drone :) pic.twitter.com/MWJelGCn6J
— Guido Pizzini (@guipizzini) May 24, 2019
Hablando sobre uso de la tecnología en caso emergencias y desastres TERA, ODK, MEGA V @cruzrojaecuador @CruzPichincha @iplopezl @IFRC_es por la semana conmemorativa por los 109 años de Cruz Roja Ecuatoriana pic.twitter.com/MIBA8HkkfA
— Roger Zambrano C. (@Roger_ec) May 2, 2019
Voluntarios de la Junta Provincial de Santo Domingo y de la Junta Cantonal de la Concordia participan en el Taller ODK (Open Data Kit) una herramienta desarrollada por la @IFRC_es para recopilar datos en tiempo real durante una emergencia. pic.twitter.com/dEe1FNRPJL
— CRUZ ROJA ECUADOR (@cruzrojaecuador) April 27, 2019
— Cruz Roja Hondureña (@cruzrojahon) April 25, 2019
Inicia taller sobre la herramienta ODK y MEGA V. Facilitado por Bosir Gaona Oficial de @PADRUpanama y de @cruzrojahon liderado por la Lcda. Alicia Flores.
El Curso está orientado a 14 participantes voluntarios y colaboradores, con apoyo de @RedCross pic.twitter.com/vERHBcnlhE
Mobile data collection - KoBo basic training for volunteers of Red Cross of Republic of Srpska in preparation for country wide branch assessment. #RedCross #volunteers #informationmanagement #mobiledatacollection pic.twitter.com/4dacGH9o52
— Aleksandar Panic (@AleksandarPanic) March 19, 2019
Assessment exercise has been concluded today in Sikondo, Kavango West Region, The impact exercise was conducted using Open Data Kit (ODK) which is used for mobile data collection. The exercise is supported by NUST the Spanish Red Cross and the Delegation of the European Union. pic.twitter.com/P0wo8IiAyI
— Namibia Red Cross (@NamibiaRedCross) March 1, 2019
Namibia Red Cross Society in collaboration with the Public Management Department of the Namibia University of Science and Technology conducted another impact assessment to the community of Lyebangwe, Walumba Mpacha, Saili and Lichaba, Zambezi region. Open Data Kit method used. pic.twitter.com/xYTKVyD2Fx
— Namibia Red Cross (@NamibiaRedCross) February 28, 2019
Desde 2010, @IFRC_es implementa tecnologías móviles para recopilar y gestionar datos en tiempo real. Por ello, voluntarios de la Junta Provincial de Esmeraldas se capacitaron en el manejo de la Open Data Kit (ODK), una herramienta que permite optimizar las acciones humanitarias. pic.twitter.com/kM5liMYZUy
— CRUZ ROJA ECUADOR (@cruzrojaecuador) February 13, 2019
Through the ongoing #GajaCyclone response, 200 family kits were distributed by Nagapattinam District Branch using Open Data Kit (ODK), all except for one beneficiary were logged through ODK. @IFRC_DREF @IFRCAsiaPacific @ICRC_nd @ndmaindia @Federation pic.twitter.com/vJO5nqoVsh
— Indian Red Cross (@IndianRedCross) February 4, 2019
As a part of Cyclone Gaja operation, 40 volunteers from 4 districts of Tamil Nadu have been trained in Open Data Kit use for efficient and online management of beneficiary listing and relief tracking. pic.twitter.com/MdR1GEIplj
— Indian Red Cross (@IndianRedCross) February 2, 2019
Great training in #openstreetmap @MAPS_ME and ODK by @ShabaniMagawila from IRDP youthmappers to #Tanzania Red Cross in Mwanza pic.twitter.com/d2tQXtrzQn
— Crowd2Map Tanzania (@Crowd2Map) January 18, 2019
It's not enough to distribute relief. #RedCross #RedCrescent cares about feedback from those on the receiving end. After today's LPG distribution to 1300+ camp residents, volunteers conducted satisfaction surveys. We work to improve. We like to see happy faces 😃 pic.twitter.com/tIVnWNQbhE
— Gennike Mayers (@MayersGennike) December 21, 2018
American @RedCross responders in Saipan used ODK Collect to record distribution of emergency supplies after Typhoon Yutu. Responders were impressed that it only took 3-5 minutes of demo to learn how to use ODK. Thanks to all the first responders!https://t.co/vrdPYS7e5V pic.twitter.com/7uvkZY5emK
— Open Data Kit (@OpenDataKit) December 19, 2018
A volunteer from the @TTRedCross1 conducts beneficiary assessments via #ODK in the village of Leemond, Sangre Grande. These assessments will determine who are the most vulnerable in the community after having been affected by the floods in October. #Trinidad. pic.twitter.com/0HICjzgpq6
— IFRC Americas (@IFRC_es) December 12, 2018
Funcionarios de la @senparaguay son capacitados en el uso de la herramienta “Open Data Kit” para recopilación de datos en albergues. https://t.co/TXQVYazJs4 pic.twitter.com/CxSmBRdUVX
— SEN Paraguay (@senparaguay) November 23, 2018
Kennet Letterboom, a #RIT from the Suriname Red Cross deployed to assist with the #DREF observes volunteers from the @TTRedCross1 as they are trained how to use #ODK for data collection on flood victims in #Trinidad pic.twitter.com/GpDYEFzjdG
— IFRC Americas (@IFRC_es) November 18, 2018
Stephan Kishore, Disaster Management Coordinator of @TTRedCross1 demonstrates how to use the #ODK to volunteers during a training session in preparation for field assessments in the areas of #Sangre Grande and #St. Helena which were flooded in October in #Trinidad pic.twitter.com/iwz1RPvnMj
— IFRC Americas (@IFRC_es) November 17, 2018
Volunteers of @TTRedCross1 work with Nicole Fassina, a #RIT from the Canadian Red Cross deployed to assist with the #DREF, on using #ODK to collect information on affected residents in communities that were flooded in #Trinidad in October pic.twitter.com/UO6q5xaavS
— IFRC Americas (@IFRC_es) November 16, 2018
Rayanthony Warner, a member of @TTRedCross1 conducts training on the #ODK for volunteers of the TTRC in preparation to go out into the field to do assessments of persons who were affected by flooding in #Trinidad pic.twitter.com/GQGZFqfmdb
— IFRC Americas (@IFRC_es) November 15, 2018
(10) Fr 15 mins to 5-6 mins:#datacollection process now faster using ODK devices to register those eligible for relief assistance in #Mangkhut #OmpongPH hit https://t.co/qAabosekpa in Sto Tomas, #Isabela province, it only took 2 @philredcross vols 2 hrs to collect data of 50+ ppl pic.twitter.com/sa0nnwgKm7
— MJ Evalarosa (@MJEvalarosa) October 11, 2018
Desde 2010, la @IFRC_es implementa tecnologías móviles para recopilar y gestionar datos en tiempo real para distintas tareas. Por eso, voluntarios de @CRESantaElena se capacitaron en el manejo de la Open Data Kit (ODK), una herramienta para optimizar las acciones humanitarias. pic.twitter.com/zEOPaAiT1A
— CRUZ ROJA ECUADOR (@cruzrojaecuador) September 19, 2018
@shikhachoprar @IndianRedCross shares the beneficiary data gathering for #KeralaFlood reponse using Open Data Kit @IFRCAsiaPacific @Federation @ICRC_nd @ICRC_AsiaPac @leonprop @jbengland pic.twitter.com/telvRFA9EZ
— Indian Red Cross (@IndianRedCross) September 5, 2018
Junior Red Cross volunteers inspire with their spirited support during the relief operation. A wonderful team from Singapore Red Cross extends support to the Kerela Indian Red Cross Branch. Volunteers are being trained on using Open Data kit for distribution of relief. pic.twitter.com/kdcTl8erbO
— Rina Tripathi (@sensebreeze) September 1, 2018
“Gracias al taller he podido reforzar mis conocimientos en la prevención del #Zika. He aprendido a utilizar #ODK, una herramienta practica para el trabajo en las comunidades, y a elaborar formatos con los datos” @cruzrojacol https://t.co/LI3CCaG4HH pic.twitter.com/FrUz6D5FXL
— IFRC Americas (@IFRC_es) July 6, 2018
A Cruz Vermelha Brasileira capacitou 80 novos voluntários no estado de Roraima. Todos os presentes receberam a formação institucional, aprenderam a utilizar a ferramenta de dados Open Data Kit, normas e recomendações de comunicação para atuações de campo e suporte básico de vida. pic.twitter.com/p599ZnjZeX
— Cruz Vermelha Brasileira (@CruzVermelha) June 24, 2018
La formación de personal, voluntarios y comunidades es un componente esencial en los planes para combatir el #Zika. Voluntario de @cruzrojacol aprenden sobre ODK y vigilancia y monitoreo basados en la comunidad. Lee más: https://t.co/O1hKJLjwDc pic.twitter.com/34yciv4vlv
— IFRC Americas (@IFRC_es) May 17, 2018
Persiapan field mapping menggunakan @OSM_ID @fieldpapers @OpenDataKit #openmapkit @open @palangmerah #PMISiapBantu @HOTOSM_ID @TheMissingMaps pic.twitter.com/5iQ5YiL8Lo
— alex - YD1WCE (@benjidad) May 13, 2018
Practicing technical and facilitation skills at a mobile data collection training of trainers. Tools like @OpenDataKit valuable for better humanitarian response by #RedCross @Federation. Rex, our awesome @redcrosscanada host, agrees! pic.twitter.com/WdZ1vY6Ggi
— Dan Joseph (@danbjoseph) May 12, 2018
.@cruzrojacol is holding a ToT on community-based surveillance and monitoring and Open Data Kit for its volunteers within the Community Action on Zika (CAZ) project #CombatZika pic.twitter.com/E1iYOF5Pnd
— IFRC Americas (@IFRC_es) April 28, 2018
Voluntarios de @cruzrojacol participan en taller de certificación de instructores sobre vigilancia y monitoreo basados en la comunidad y herramienta ODK en el marco del proyecto Acción Comunitaria frente al #Zika (CAZ) #CombateZika pic.twitter.com/e0hwvrKTkQ
— IFRC Americas (@IFRC_es) April 28, 2018
Last day of #cash and #odk training at @PIROI_FRC with @Reliefapps is #exam day. Give it up for all the participants who challenged themselves to become better responders and professionals! @MRURedCross @mozambiqueredcross @RedCrossSez @trcs1 pic.twitter.com/1j6HWOdEfS
— Relief Applications (@Reliefapps) April 21, 2018
ATM: @philredcross, together w/ the IFRC, having an @OpenDataKit orientation to volunteers. ODK will be used in the assessment of cash-transfer program of Red Cross to affected familis of Mayon eruption. #MayonOps pic.twitter.com/MkigdLBcL7
— Roxy Nicolas (@rovingroxie) February 19, 2018
Un ejemplo del trabajo realizado en el 2017: taller de la Vigilancia Basada en la Comunidad para el virus del Zika + ODK. #Resumen2017 / An example of the work done in 2017: workshop on Community-Based Surveillance for the Zika virus + ODK. #2017InReview https://t.co/orZah6BeLd
— IFRC Americas (@IFRC_es) December 29, 2017
Austrian Red Cross WASH ERU training on ODK to boost #IFRC emergency response efficiency - day 1 pic.twitter.com/L3V4K95XlJ
— ChrisJ (@ChrisJ90143457) November 24, 2017
Refresher on @OpenDataKit before @drc_767 volunteers head out to assess and register those affected by #HurricaneMaria using digital tools pic.twitter.com/GRv0LE3rUO
— Dan Joseph (@danbjoseph) October 12, 2017
RT CruzRojaQuindio: Continua Taller de Línea de Base ODK en nuestro Centro de entrenamiento en Gestión del Riesgo Tacurrumbi. IFRC_es Sa…
— Raúl R. Vega (@Raulrvegach) July 15, 2017
Continua Taller de Línea de Base ODK en nuestro Centro de entrenamiento en Gestión del Riesgo Tacurrumbi. @IFRC_es @SaludCRC @cruzrojacol pic.twitter.com/6s8A32mFmb
— Cruz Roja Quindío (@CruzRojaQuindio) July 15, 2017
Taller de Línea de Base ODK—CEGR @cruzrojacol @IFRC_es @SaludCRC pic.twitter.com/I8L8UbevZq
— Cruz Roja Quindío (@CruzRojaQuindio) July 14, 2017
Taller de línea base ODK Vigilancia comunitaria ZIKA — CAZ. Con el valioso apoyo de Usaid , Save the Children, @IFRC_es y @cruzrojacol. pic.twitter.com/gRZppzzIyw
— Cruz Roja Quindío (@CruzRojaQuindio) July 12, 2017
A esta Hora @SaludCRC inicia el Taller de línea base ODK Vigilancia comunitaria ZIKA — CAZ. @IFRC_es Save the Children USAID @cruzrojacol pic.twitter.com/lupI6oCIRD
— Cruz Roja Quindío (@CruzRojaQuindio) July 10, 2017
Cruz Roja Salvadoreña realiza Curso de Vigilancia Epidemiológica y ODKhttps://t.co/txvxBSOgZG @IFRC_es
— CruzRojaSal (@CruzRojaSal) May 27, 2017
Cruz Roja Salvadoreña realiza Curso de Vigilancia Epidemiológica y ODK
— CruzRojaSal (@CruzRojaSal) May 20, 2017
https://t.co/wdbSNuBwE7@IFRC_es @SCElSalvador pic.twitter.com/Z1apYgNTxE
@CruzRojaSal Boris Gaona parte del equipo de IFRC facilitando en el Curso Vigilancia Epidemiológica y ODK Actividad del Proyecto Zika-CAZ. pic.twitter.com/9TGnxVDdXe
— Roberto Díaz Crespín (@Roberto_DiazC) May 12, 2017
@CruzRojaSal IFRC al apoyando las acciones del Proyecto Zika-CAZ. Diany Romo facilitando en el curso de Vigilancia epidemiológica y ODK. pic.twitter.com/AQTGIhwMtm
— Roberto Díaz Crespín (@Roberto_DiazC) May 11, 2017
PRC,IFRC in NLuzon this week to orient vols on #ODK #MobileData for #HaimaPH #LawinPH livelihood,shelter beneficiary registration&monitoring pic.twitter.com/FFPiGmgTOq
— MJ Evalarosa (@MJEvalarosa) February 7, 2017
How to build,aggregate data on mobile platforms w help fr IFRC and Indonesian #RedCross #MobileDataCollection #ODK pic.twitter.com/xXCava5bJ0
— MJ Evalarosa (@MJEvalarosa) November 16, 2016
Voluntarios se capacitan en ODK y Mega V Advanced, programas para ingreso de información de personas junto a @crepdsv y @IFRC_es #Latacunga pic.twitter.com/b8vcP7bSA8
— CRUZ ROJA ECUADOR (@cruzrojaecuador) October 31, 2016
Primer día de trabajo con los voluntarios de @cruzrojaecuador en el curso #ODK Avanzado impartido por equipo del @crepdsv y @ifrc_es pic.twitter.com/XVhsXHddfM
— Boris Gaona (@BorisGaona) October 31, 2016
25 @KwaWouj volunteers getting trained on @OpenDataKit to support #MatthewHaiti relief distribution. @IFRC_es pic.twitter.com/1jaae01wFS
— nicole robicheau (@nicorobot) October 14, 2016
Simulación durante el taller de #ODK y #MegaV con voluntarios de #croixrougehaïtienne @ifrc_es https://t.co/9bxyBRjJSM
— Boris Gaona (@BorisGaona) September 16, 2016
Learning to use @OpenDataKit to collect info on toilets & #WASH in post-#NepalQuake Rasuwa. @NepalRedCross @RedCross pic.twitter.com/vPABNkSvYe
— Leela Mulukutla (@LMulukutla) September 14, 2016
En breve por #RadioCruzRoja “Combatiendo el Zika” de @IFRC_es especial ODK con @BorisGaona https://t.co/Wp4epjhUn7 pic.twitter.com/xLK54pwBUV
— Boris Gaona (@BorisGaona) July 13, 2016
A couple of volunteers doing mobile data collection in Manthali #volunteerism #redcross #nrcs #ramechhap #ifrc #odk… pic.twitter.com/OQjWWmCwkc
— The Caring Times (@TheCaringTimes_) May 10, 2016
Con ODK nuestros voluntarios pueden levantar información más rápidamente ahorrando tiempo a las… https://t.co/nOwHrRHHtr
— IFRC Americas (@IFRC_es) May 5, 2016
Voluntarios de @cruzrojaecuador cargan la data original levantada en papel a ODK, a partir dde… https://t.co/LTamRNjZmm
— IFRC Americas (@IFRC_es) May 5, 2016
Ya inicio la Reunión Técnicas de Diseño del Curso #ODK & #MegaV en Ciudad de #Panama @IFRC_es #Innovación #CruzRoja pic.twitter.com/qsi42obyiQ
— Boris Gaona (@BorisGaona) November 24, 2015
Jornada extendida en el Curso de #ODK & #MegaV #Innovacion @CruzRojaNic @IFRC_es pic.twitter.com/T3Nc9M1o2Y
— Boris Gaona (@BorisGaona) September 30, 2015
Segundo día de trabajo en el Curso de #ODK & #MegaV con voluntarios de @CruzRojaNic @IFRC_es pic.twitter.com/Q45KYvdbTd
— Boris Gaona (@BorisGaona) September 29, 2015
Ya dio inicio el Curso de #ODK & #MegaV con voluntarios de @CruzRojaNic @IFRC_es pic.twitter.com/cgxhbUHjE6
— Boris Gaona (@BorisGaona) September 28, 2015
Doing my duty to assist. #RedCross #Dominica #odk #megav #TSErika http://t.co/LRgstnW7CF Doing my duty to assist.… pic.twitter.com/5tqzEZJ0ac
— 𝘉𝘶𝘥𝘨𝘌𝘢𝘵.𝘤𝘰 (@ra_lazarus) September 20, 2015
in #Tanzania #RedCross is using innovative approaches to improve disaster response times http://t.co/hTEiw47Xba #ODK
— IFRC Africa (@IFRCAfrica) August 17, 2015
In #Tanzania #RedCross volunteers are learning how to use mobile phones to improve disaster response times #ODK pic.twitter.com/HIjwkYmvqi
— IFRC Africa (@IFRCAfrica) July 22, 2015
Preparing an @OpenDataKit training for the @BritishRedCross HES training.
— Relief Applications (@Reliefapps) May 7, 2015
Empiezo el curso de ODK/Mega V de @IFRC_es con @cruzrojahon y @COPECO_HONDURAS - con @eu_echo pic.twitter.com/Hp38Wjew6g
— DIPECHO Comayagua (@dipecho_crh) April 9, 2015
@IFRC_es CRP FILIAL CONCEPCIÓN.Capacitación en ODK y MEGA V y jornada de Apoyo Psicosocial https://t.co/llmJACwR7Q pic.twitter.com/FpWYcebpWy
— Cruz Roja Paraguaya (@Cruz_RojaPy) March 5, 2015
Finalizing our wenesday presentation on @OpenDataKit for @CroixRouge looking forward for field program' feedbacks
— Relief Applications (@Reliefapps) March 2, 2015
#HITsm T4: Philippine Red Cross @philredcross uses open source @OpenDataKit for its community health activities http://t.co/s9EUA7IHW2
— Médecine Libre (Jérôme) (@MedecineLibre) February 27, 2015
Pilotaje de ODK 2.0 y tarjetas Visa pre-pagadas @IFRC_es @PADRUpanama pic.twitter.com/COoq2CwSMV
— Alberto Cabrera (@Beto_Cabrera) February 24, 2015
@OpenDataKit thanks - strategy presentation in two to three weeks; the French Red Cross is going ODK!
— Relief Applications (@Reliefapps) January 26, 2015
Probando diferentes opciones que ofrece @OpenDataKit en Cooperación Internacional. Reciclaje ERU. @EmergenciasCRE pic.twitter.com/GGnnmH1bT4
— Cruz Roja Tenerife (@CruzRojaProvTfe) January 24, 2015
In #Sudan #RedCross staff have been trained to use @bt_uk cell phones to help improve emergency relief distributions #ODK #MegaV #technology
— IFRC Africa (@IFRCAfrica) December 11, 2014
Entrenamiento ODK y Mega V en Sudán, como apoyo de la Oficina de Zona de América @IFRC_es pic.twitter.com/aPhAnvluDN
— Alberto Cabrera (@Beto_Cabrera) December 2, 2014
Boss. Fast and efficient assessment of community health needs being carried out by @philredcross using @OpenDataKit. pic.twitter.com/aueRxPwWFO
— Dan Joseph (@danbjoseph) October 17, 2014
Mobile data collection using #opendatakit @formhub and @openstreetmap with the @redcross in Tanzania pic.twitter.com/3PpgvEUi2I
— Dale Kunce (@calimapnerd) September 15, 2014
easier for @Federation @philredcross to analyze conditions & plan programs w @OpenDataKit to efficiently gather data http://t.co/w9uvhAf2Hv
— Dan Joseph (@danbjoseph) July 6, 2014
Haitian Red Cross facilitators and I. That was a very good training #IFRC #ODK ... pic.twitter.com/kEUDfaLVWo
— Marc-Antoine Joseph (@PoweredMack) June 6, 2014
Finishing a training on mobile data collection using @formhub and @OpenDataKit w @philredcross @Federation pic.twitter.com/j3Od5WCtHq
— Dan Joseph (@danbjoseph) May 28, 2014
Innovación Humanitaria @CRGuatemalteca ODK/MegaV:un proceso de mejor calidad a mayor velocidad http://t.co/JEUyVUtDJS pic.twitter.com/WBPmQUNRqg
— IFRC Americas (@IFRC_es) May 20, 2014
With philippines red cross volunteers in tabon tabon leyte outside tacloban doing hh surveys using ODK @OpenDataKit pic.twitter.com/Ygr3NdHYPV
— Drew Strobel (@Drew_Strobel) May 15, 2014
ahora trabajando en conjunto con #ifrc Federacion Internacional de Cruz Roja, proyecto #ODK, haré lo mejor posible =)
— Rodrigo Yausen (@edgarodrigo) May 8, 2014
<---- is in ODK system training...#IFRC
— Marc-Antoine Joseph (@PoweredMack) February 21, 2013